
Insanely Lucky Avalanche Video

It takes a great bit of humility to mess up and then post your mistakes online.  This Australian was lucky to live to tell the tale and post this video so we can get the in-your-face reminders of how they messed up. Fortunatel...
by 2. Will Dujardin

CBAC 10th Avalanche Awareness Night

Avalanche Awareness Videos: From Russia

Avalanche Awareness Videos: From Russia Here is a great edit on how the Russians enjoy avalanche control. These videos are to remind you to come on out for the Crested Butte Avalanche Center’s 10th Anniversary Avalanche A...
by 4. Seth Tucker


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POV: Hoji Gets Worked by Slide

Even the best go down every once in awhile.  Here, Eric Hjorleifson tries to ski through his sluff avy and gets worked.  
by Edward Dujardin 2.0

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CBAC Investigates Large Avalanche on Mt. Owen

It is touchy out there! CBAC forecasters Zach Guy and Evan Ross investigate the crown of a slab avalanche that occurred around 12/22/14, and demonstrate the current persistent slab problem.
by Edward Dujardin 2.0



CAIC Avalanche Report Bald Mountain 11-21-15

You probably heard about the massive skier triggered avalanche south of Breckenridge just a few days ago.  Luckily, the skier survived after being partially buried and being evacuated by Search and Rescue.  The crown was over...
by 2. Will Dujardin


CBAC 10th Avalanche Awareness Night

Avalanche Awareness Videos: Ode to Avalanche

Avalanche Awareness Videos: Ode to Avalanche This is an amazing avalanche video from British Columbia with the 18th Overture as the soundtrack. These videos are to remind you to come on out for the Crested Butte Avalanche Cente...
by 4. Seth Tucker

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Massive Controlled Avalanche at Stevens Pass

February was a snowy month, even by Pacific Northwest standards. Big snow equals big avalanches.  Ahhh the power of nature.
by Edward Dujardin 2.0


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Three Skiers’ POV of Avalanche that Caught Two

Three skiers in Whistler, BC triggered a category one slide that caught two of the three.  They were all wearing go pros, and the event was captured perfectly.  
by Edward Dujardin 2.0


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Carson Pass Avy Video

A backcountry rider near Kirkwood Mountain Resort triggered this slide, which carried him about 500 feet.  He was not buried and uninjured.  Be smart out there!
by Edward Dujardin 2.0


CBAC Investigates Big Mt. Owen Slide

Crested Butte Avalanche Center forecaster and Irwin Cat Skiing guide Zach Guy investigated the big south-facing Mt. Owen slide.  Check out the quick 2 minute video and stay smart out there. Our snowpack is transforming into a ...
by 2. Will Dujardin