
Snowmobiler Triggers Avalanche in Afton, Wyoming

Check out this huge slide triggered by a high marking snowmobiler up in Afton, Wyoming.  Good thing he was able to stay on top and his friends were able to get to him quickly. That was lucky!
by 2. Will Dujardin


Julien Lopez Tries to Outrun Avalanche

This is chilling to watch.  You don’t need to speak French to understand the gravity of the situation. Last April, our “Flying Frenchman” friend, Julien Lopez, who recently took 3rd overall on the Freeride Wo...
by 2. Will Dujardin



CBAC Investigates Skier Triggered Slide off Peeler

Take a look at this video taken yesterday up on Peeler Peak in the Oh-Be-Joyful Basin. A shallow 8″-1′ deep persistent slab broke off on some surface hoar on a N-NE slope near treeline. It puts the January snowpack ...
by 2. Will Dujardin


Massive Avalanche Cuts off Valdez, AK

This is a pretty crazy video from up in Alaska that shows the size and scope of a massive avalanche that occurred yesterday in Keystone Canyon on the road to Valdez from Anchorage up in Alaska.  The avalanche created an ice da...
by 2. Will Dujardin


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Snowboarder Triggered Avalanche Destroys Homes, Buries Residents

A snowboarder triggered avalanche buried part of a neighborhood in Missoula, Montana.  The slide destroyed homes and injured residents, leaving one in critical condition.  Neighbors teamed up to dig the victims out.  The sno...
by Edward Dujardin 2.0



Winter Is Here, But Be Careful

The Crested Butte area is about to get its first taste of real winter. Social media will go ballistic. Your most hard-core friends will post pictures of their first faceshots of the season. It’s an exciting time. However, if ...
by Edward Dujardin 2.0

CBAC 10th Avalanche Awareness Night

Avalanche Awareness Videos: Ode to Avalanche

Avalanche Awareness Videos: Ode to Avalanche This is an amazing avalanche video from British Columbia with the 18th Overture as the soundtrack. These videos are to remind you to come on out for the Crested Butte Avalanche Cente...
by 4. Seth Tucker


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CBAC Investigates Large Avalanche on Mt. Owen

It is touchy out there! CBAC forecasters Zach Guy and Evan Ross investigate the crown of a slab avalanche that occurred around 12/22/14, and demonstrate the current persistent slab problem.
by Edward Dujardin 2.0


Rescuers on scene in Sheep Creek off of Loveland Pass.

Remembering Ian Lamphere and Ryan Novak

As the winter season winds down, we find ourselves facing the harsh realities of a mountain town again.  Crested Butte lost two community members in the tragic avalanche in Sheep Creek off of Loveland Pass last Saturday, April...
by 2. Will Dujardin


JP Auclair Street Segment, Andreas Fransson “Happy Winter”, Liz Daley

It’s really sad to hear of yet more avalanche deaths in the ski world.  Freeskiing legend JP Auclair and big mountain line pioneer Andreas Fransson both lost their lives in an avalanche in Chile on Monte San Lorenzo ye...
by 2. Will Dujardin