
Utah Sledneck Survives – Watch and Learn

Wear you beacon and remember to always go through your gear check list when traveling in the backcountry.
by 4. Seth Tucker

Black Canyon Whitewater Festival head

Kayaking Black Canyon!

Check out these guys kayaking Black Canyon National Park! It was in the fall of 2011 and these 10 gentleman had a first descent! There was a lot of work with porterage and the poison ivy! Great short movie!
by 4. Seth Tucker

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Testing out my new Drift HD Ghost on Lupine

Thanks to the crew at Drift Innovation I just received a brand new HD Ghost camera for my Canada assignment this month. I took it out for a quick ride on Lupine as soon as it arrived to test out the settings and the assortment ...
by 3. Trent Bona


CBAC 10th Avalanche Awareness Night

Avalanche Awareness Videos: From Russia

Avalanche Awareness Videos: From Russia Here is a great edit on how the Russians enjoy avalanche control. These videos are to remind you to come on out for the Crested Butte Avalanche Center’s 10th Anniversary Avalanche A...
by 4. Seth Tucker


Tour Divide Update

The race is on and the suffering has begun. The top 10 riders have completed over 1,000 miles in only 5 days. Check the LIVE Tracker site for updates. Look for the following CB and Gunnison rid...
by 4. Seth Tucker



Fourtitude: Rocky Mountain Altitude Edit

Rocky Mountain Bicycles made this sweet edit with 4 sick riders all riding the Altitude 790 MSL.  Check out Wade Simmons, Andreas Hestler, Thomas Vanderham, Geoff Gulevich all destroy trails in this edit that will probably ma...
by 2. Will Dujardin


The Run Around in the PNW

This spring, the Run Around crew teamed up with Two Plank Productions and headed to the Pacific Northwest to find the goods.  Washington, unlike the rest of the continental U.S., had an above average year, which tends to be de...
by Edward Dujardin 2.0

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Big Mountain Downhilling

Rider: David Bunt Location: West Elk Mountains, Colorado, USA Fellow West Elker Dave Bunt took a hike with his big bike yesterday and found a fun way back down the 2,500+ feet he had just slogged up. I caught up with him on the...
by 3. Trent Bona



112th Cattleman Days

The 112th Gunnison Cattleman Days still stands as the longest running rodeo in Colorado. The rodeo grounds and grandstands will be packed throughout the week enjoying a range of events. See the schedule below and check out the ...
by 4. Seth Tucker

CBAC 10th Avalanche Awareness Night

Avalanche Awareness Videos: Ode to Avalanche

Avalanche Awareness Videos: Ode to Avalanche This is an amazing avalanche video from British Columbia with the 18th Overture as the soundtrack. These videos are to remind you to come on out for the Crested Butte Avalanche Cente...
by 4. Seth Tucker